Some Reminders to Assist with Our Reintegration

Wednesday October 17, 2012

I was asked to speak in my own voice, The reason for this is contained within.

The “fall” or the separation or duality or the illusion was not a mistake, an error, or a wrong turn. It was a possibility. It was not required or necessary to achieve our vision but it was on the table as something that could happen.  Given the complexity of our goal and the nature of our methods, it could have even been considered likely. We did not intend it though. In fact we had hoped for a much simpler road. Our plan was to create a way to “walk among the trees”. A simple way to enter our creation, to enjoy it fully and to continue its development from the inside. As you know, it takes a great deal of focused attention for an energy being to coalesce and maintain a body of matter within which to work.

It was our intention to design an aspect of ourselves that was physical in nature yet self directed, self aware, self sustaining, and fully aware of its higher nature. An aspect that we could enter and fully function within. There was also a higher purpose. To have the collective of these beings be able to house the consciousness of Source, just as we did as angels in the higher realms. To do all this we needed to come into close relationship with matter. Not a small task for a being that works directly in the realm of energy. Each and every one of us eagerly volunteered to take part in this amazing plan. We knew full well that there were many possibilities and much of the actual creation journey would be done in a semiconscious state. For the plan to work and give us full access to physical creation we needed these physical aspects of ourselves to have free will. They also had to be willing participants in every aspect of the plan.

To shorten a very long story, our physical aspects found it very difficult to manage a simple tool we built into our structure to assist in response to physical danger, fear. Keep in mind that fear was added as a convenience, to help avoid damaging the physical body. In truth, there is never any danger, just the inconvenience of having to repair or replace the physical body. It is our reaction to fear, something totally unknown in an energy universe, that has taken us so long to master. Fear is still a distraction for so many. Fear was never intended to be part of any decision making process. Its only purpose is as an alert to physical danger. If you are feeling fear, look around, if there is no danger the fear is miss placed and can be safely ignored. Fear of a possible future event, influencing decision making, is a destructive misuse of the tool and must be avoided.

The use of language, as the only method of communication, was developed after our reaction to fear caused us to cut ourselves off from our higher selves. Language was originally intended as a tool for entertainment; To give physical expression to joy, appreciation, and love. It was never intended to be used for communication or as the primary container for conscious thought. Using language in this way internally causes confusion and ridged thinking. It servilely limits our ability to expand our awareness into our higher aspects. Using it to communicate with to each other focuses our attention into our ego mind, shutting down our heart-mind interactions. Our intended mode of communication is a combination of feeling and mental telepathy that doesn’t generally translate well into a language. Meditation is essential for rebuilding our heart-mind links and thereby the communication links between us.

Channelling, the method of giving voice to other energies, was developed as tool for penetrating the extreme density of unconsciousness created after our disconnection from our true nature. Our ego mind was designed to assist in the management of our physical form only. It were never intended to be the only aspect of ourselves functioning. Channelling was, and is, used to appeal to ego mind and allow it to feel safe enough to start the process of reintegrating our hearts,  then our relationship with our higher aspects, thereby reactivating the entire multidimensional system. Channelling is a stepping stone. It is limited by language, the disposition of the channeler, the dominant thought framework of the collective of channelers and misinterpretation by the receivers of the message. It is not the ultimate connection between us and our higher aspects or between us and the other energies offering assistance. We are designed to work as a seamless unit with almost no declarable separation between dimensional aspects.  The one exception would be for self exploration. We are all equal in our ability to connect with our higher aspects and thereby, other energies. The only thing that stands in the way is our lack of trust (fear). If you are channelling it would be  prudent to spend some time with the possibility that you have a deeper connection than you realize and that you can be more integrated in your interactions.

The idea of an external dimensional shift is a misunderstanding of this process of reintegration with our higher aspects and the multidimensional universe. The shift is internal. It is us reuniting, first with ourselves, then with each other and ultimately with Source. It is not some scheme to fix something that went wrong, it is the next step in the execution of our plan. Make no mistake, it will be amazing non the less. Imagine if you will, 7 billion people with full access to 100% or our functional abilities, our multidimensional universe, and Source itself. What could this group of people do? Expect miracles! But don’t expect to be an energy only translucent being at the end of the year. We intended to be physical. Maybe not quite this dense but physical beings all the same.

Free to distribute in tact. Please credit original author (Kelly MacInnis) and Link to original post

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