One Hour Meditation Guided by Sound

November 21st, 2011

At long last, here is a full one hour Crystal Bowl meditation. The recording was made October 16, 2011 at Om Time Yoga. There were 18 people in the room. The weekly meditations at Om Time are A meditation practice. The intention is always to quiet our verbal thoughts, to allow our higher selves space to inform our lives. The sub-context is to connect with Love and find more creative ways to express it in the world.

This recording is powerful but it is not as profound as a live session. If you find it useful, try to attend a live session. If it raises questions or you need more information please contact me.

The recording is not music. It is a progressive sequence of sounds designed to assist in the process of releasing resistance to Love and spirit. Please keep in mind that the sounds will alter your physiology and your consciousness.

Start at the beginning and listen to the end. If you get distracted and have to stop, start at the beginning again. Starting in the middle is not recommended as it can be disorienting and may cause discomfort.

Do not use headphones.

Do not use while driving or operating other equipment.

Listen at a reasonable volume.

10-16-11 Meditation

How Can There Be Such Suffering, Loss AND a Loving God?

March 14th, 2011

What is love? The best definition I’ve heard is, “Love is allowing.” Love is also tolerant, forgiving, unconditional, everlasting, and extremely powerful. God’s love is at the root of our free will. Free will behaves exactly the same as love. There is no limit to it.

Free will means we can do whatever we want. This includes choosing to make a home in a place that we know is unsafe. We can choose to deny our eternal nature and our loving impulse. We can become so unconscious of love that we start to distrust and then consume each other. We can create unsustainable social structures and habits. We can create societies where the majority of the people are uncomfortable the majority of the time.

None of this has anything to do with God or Nature. It is our choice, or more importantly our attachment to our own mortality that frames our thoughts and creates this reality.

You are not finite flesh and blood. You are an eternal being clothed in flesh! Your possessions do not define you. Everything you own could be lost in an instant but you would still be you. Just because you feel fear doesn’t mean you have to live in fear. If we constantly emphasize fear and deemphasize love, it is a choice.

The only thing that makes us interesting to our Creator is OUR interest in Love. In fact, this is why God tolerates our wacky choices. From an eternal perspective, damaging your cloak (body) to the point of physical death is of little consequence. “Losing” a loved one is an absurd fallacy. Concern over coastlines or the extinction of a species is ridiculous . Nothing is ever lost!

Right now, it would be better if we could find a way to deemphasize our fear and emphasize Love. Our transition from a developing physical species, with the capacity to experience our eternal nature, to a fully functional creative being cloaked in matter, is now under way. There is no stopping this process. All we can do is go with it. This is going to require letting go of some things. Its okay, we are safe, the trade off will be worth it.

I Entered Into You

October 12th, 2010

I entered into you

at your request

Your sensual opening

allowing me to do so

has nurtured me these many cold nights

Now in the warming dawn

at the birth of our earth

in conscious awareness of the depth of your love

I awake

to return the favor

Come stay with me here

in this exquisite form we created

Come play with me

as we expand together

into newly imagined realms


A View from Inside

What would Jesus do?

October 4th, 2010

When I was 17 I read a line in the Urantia Book about Jesus. It said that he was so effective because he was able to bring every aspect of his being to bare on the task at hand. Ever since, I have been exploring the meaning of this for myself. To this day I try to gather myself up, more and more, so I can show up fully in this moment and do whatever it is I am doing.

Hypnotherapist Grant Connolly, creator of The Zpoint Process says that 95% of our mental power is typically focused in the subconscious. That leaves only 5% available to consciously devote to whatever I’m doing. I am pretty sure I do better than that.

Ken Carey’s book The Third Millennium reminds us that we need some of our awareness focused in the subconscious because it is the part of our consciousness that is grounded in matter. It is the part that supports our automatic processes like blood flow and movement. And when used as designed, our subconscious informs our conscious mind about the nature of matter itself.

Sandra Ingerman’s book Soul Retrieval talks about the concept of our soul taking flight in situations of extreme trauma. I agree that I lose my ability to function in the present when I am distracted by my past.

This distraction can be as simple as a thought or belief like, “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough.”  Another example is mentally lingering in a past event, a fight I had this morning or some old trauma. Habitual reactions, the ways we always respond to a given situation, can be a real hindrance too. Each situation is unique and requires an active response, not some caned reaction from the past.

How do we bring ourselves fully into the present moment?

To stay in the moment I pay attention to my thoughts and feelings. This process in called mindfulness. Being mindful alone brings more of me into the present moment by noticing whats happening within me NOW.

Once I’m here, I can see the thoughts I am thinking that are not present thoughts. Worrying about the future, regretting the past, justifying myself, defending myself, or criticizing myself. What not present things am I thinking? Once I know what’s going on I can change it.

Grant Connolly’s process uses a form of self hypnosis to release the emotional energy around beliefs. He says that if we deprive our subconscious thoughts of the energy to continue, they just fall away. I have used his process and it does seem to change my emotional reactions to life situations.

Sandra Ingerman’s processes involves a kind of shamanic ritual involving sound and suggestion to call the sole back into the present. I have spoken to people who say it helps remove the energetic hangover from trauma. I have not used it myself.

Jesus used faith, a complete trust in the supportive nature of creation, to allow himself to be present in every moment. He just let the past go. Using forgiveness, compassion, forbearance, and a willingness to “turn the other cheek”, he stayed focused on what he wanted in the now. This is the approach I use most frequently. There is something so soothing and calming about knowing that somehow me, the world, and everything in it is going to be okay.

An Invetation

October 3rd, 2010

Individuals, Yet Unified in Love

We are grounded in matter and lifted by spirit both. Our intention was to bring a balance of the two into our form. Only then could we fulfill our calling as indwelt creature AND divine creator.

We are connected! Many individuals making up the network that is our unified awareness; earth consciousness. Each expression, an inspiration for the next. As we see what is possible, we expand.

Within the balance of our dual nature we can fully trust our instincts. We must bring our intention to love constantly into the automatic processes that sustain us. Only in love can the eternal energetic vibrations of conscious awareness flow through us, between us.

As within so without

Expand your self awareness beyond the confines of two dimensional verbal thought. Activate the watcher within your consciousness. See what you are thinking as well as thinking it. Stimulate the sensations of eternal love in your physical form. Trust that doing so will bring grace to your actions.

Guru can show you the door but you must walk through it. To follow another’s path, no matter how noble it seems, leads directly to mediocrity. For how can your individual expression ever fully shine through the filters of another.

Install the impulse to love into your inner life with conscious intent. Resist the urge to decide from your fear. Connect with me on the ribbons of sound that issue forth from the center of all creation.

Respecting Love Over Fear

September 29th, 2010

Conventional marketing wisdom says that if you don’t think something is scarce you won’t buy it, even if you want to. You will put it off indefinitely. Marketing says that if I list a lot of benefits or features you will think it is over priced, no mater how inexpensive it is. They say that if you’re not personally invested, you won’t get any benefit.

So far it seems like they may be right. But I have never been very conventional. I have more respect for your impulse to love than your impulse to fear.

I discovered these crystal bowls. They are a powerful wellness tool that is revolutionary. Crystal bowls create the opportunity to change yourself. They enhance your ability to stay connected and well. All you have to do is listen. If you add a little bit of intention and willingness to go into whatever you find, they can be life changing.

I have this amazing tool. My impulse to love says, “make it available.” I discovered that if you keep listening, they help more. So I make them available a lot. There are an abundance of opportunities to take advantage of this remarkable instrument. The benefits are many and the price is reasonable.

Marketing says you won’t come. It is too available, has too many benefits, and I haven’t asked you to make a huge investment to try it. Love says you will come. Love says you will do it because it is time to change something, to stop struggling, its time to relax deeper into wellbeing.

What do you say?

Little Birds Know What You’re Thinking

September 29th, 2010

No one came to the crystal bowl wellness practice in Gunbarrel today. No one has ever come to that event. You may wounder why I show up. I know I do. Last night I decided that if no one came I would take a few bowls out on the lawn and play anyway.

This morning I was siting there at 7:05 thinking, “crap, now I have to go play outside, embarrassing!” I went out with my coffee and started considering if I would really do this. I walked out on the lawn in front of ESC for the Arts, about 15 feet from Lookout Road. Morning traffic was buzzing by. There were a flock of those little birds in a big bush, chirping their morning song.

I thought, “am I really going to do this?” As I thought that thought the birds started flying from branch to branch inside the bush and singing so much louder. I looked to the west and as I did, windows of houses on the hillside lit up with the rising sun. It looked like a constellation of stars. Suddenly another flock of little birds flew directly over my head in their flock of birds kind of way; where they are about two inches from each other moving in perfect unison. I heard them singing, “do it, do it, do it.”

I went inside and got a bowl. I felt like I was doing a presentation with peanut butter on my nose. I put the bowl in the grass and got another. I sat down on my little stool and started to play. As I did, all the birds in the bush stopped chirping and moving around. The morning sun was warm on my face. I felt remarkably peaceful.

I played for 20 minutes. About one in ten people streaming by noticed me. No one stopped, not even the guy that walked past me on the sidewalk. He pretended I wasn’t there.

At 7:40 I packed up my bowls. I usually feel so sad when no one comes to my events. I felt really happy today. It was a huge stretch for me but in the end I felt so good. Its amazing what is going on early in the morning. I’m pretty sure little birds know what you’re thinking.

How many thoughts does it take to change a light bulb?

August 29th, 2010

Excerpt from The Mechanics of Mindfulness, an upcoming class by Kelly MacInnis

We are creatures of habit. This is by design. As we repeat an experience it becomes automatic. This is why, after a while, we can ride a bike or drive a car without thinking about the steps involved.

This automatic feature or our being is at the foundation of our physiology. It is what keeps us breathing, our blood flowing, and our food digesting. It is why we don’t need to know how we move  a finger or how to grow hair.

Things become automatic in human consciousness too. When we keep thinking something for a while, it starts to fade into the background of our consciousness; still there but not as noticeable. If we continue thinking the thought it becomes completely automatic, we don’t notice it at all. These fully automatic thoughts are beliefs.

When a thought is maintained long enough to become fully automatic, it keeps resonating in our physical being and our consciousness. These beliefs or thought habits become the foundation of who we know ourselves to be. They effect our health, our relationships, our ability to make money, even what we experience in life.

If you have ever tried to change one of these thought habits, you know it can be very tricky. Even identifying our beliefs can be a challenge…..

How many thoughts does it take to change a light bulb? It depends on how many you’ve changed.

August Singing Bowl News

August 5th, 2010

Workplace Wellness – for small businesses is available in downtown Boulder. Start your week on solid ground! Monday 7:00am wellness practice at Om Time Boulder.

Discount Punch Cards – for ongoing meditation practices. Seven sessions for the price of six. Available at any Creation Songs event!.

Singing Bowls for Couples – The weekly meditation at ESC for the Arts – in Gunbarrel has changed time and format. New time is 7:00 – 8:00 pm. The new format is “Singing Bowls for Couples”. Singing bowls that support the Heart (love), Third Eye (intuition, spiritual connection), Sacral Plexus (sexual organs, emotional gateway), Solar Plexus (self acceptance, giving and receiving). The intention is to help couples remember why they are together, increase intimacy/sensuality and to release thought patterns that block union. Bring soft things to lie on together and fall in love again!

Longmont Magazine – will have an article about Creation Songs and what I do in their summer issue Look for it on August 15. 2010

The Mechanics of Mindfulness – This is a four part class about consciousness, emotional balance through thought management, meditation, vibrational resonance in healing, and manifestation through intention. There will be physical demonstrations of the principles taught, ongoing experimentation between classes and of course, singing bowls. The dates for the four classes are not yet set. The location will be Om Time Denver. Check in the coming weeks for more information.

Things change when you do something different. Come to a weekly practice and see what happens.

in love,

Kelly MacInnis

Twisted Sex and Angry Men

May 25th, 2010

Something strange about handstands, when you start doing them and get good enough to stay up for a little while, you start to see things differently. I wrote a book called “Being the Father I Always Wanted, Fathering Ourselves So We Can Father Our Children”. The book’s premise is that men feel, a lot. The only reason it seems like they don’t is because our culture trains male children to stop feeling, to fit in. Most men didn’t seem to like my book much. Women loved it though. I should rename it, “Why Men Hide Their Hearts” and market it to women.

This post is not about that but it is just as upside down, from a US cultural prospective. This post is about Puritan ethics and the resulting twisted ideas we have about love, beauty, touching (yes, including sex), and personal relationships in general. If you are wondering where the information came from, it came from a combination of handstands, singing bowls and The Eternal Perspective.

Did you ever have an impulse to say or do something loving to someone, then not do it. Maybe telling a complete stranger you think they are beautiful. Or listening to a good friend complaining about their stomach and wanting to just touch them gently and say how nice it really is. Or having the impulse to hug someone and then at the last second doing that sideways thing where there is only contact at one shoulder.

People express anger or frustration to strangers with ease. It is not okay in our culture to express love, especially spontaneously. I don’t think we planned to be so prudish when we were eternal beings deciding to come here. If a man sees a woman on the street and feels the impulse to tell her she has a nice ass, generally the woman reacts by feeling abused, like that man just took something without asking. What would cause a man to say something like that? Could it be love speaking?

We act as if people’s spontaneous love and affection is motivated by some dirty urge to do harm; as if we need permission to find each other attractive. We pretend that there is only one possible idea of beauty and the other 95% of us should hate ourselves and wear bags in public so no one has to suffer. If someone does dare to show a nonstandard form, they end up busted by the fashion police, ridiculed behind their back or to their face.

What does this do to our sex lives? Why do we even call it a sex life? As if sex should be separate from our regular life. As if sex is some necessary evil that should remain quietly in the corner until reluctantly called. What does this do to sex in our lives? We schedule it with our partners, after every other thing is done, if we have time. We avoid unscheduled contact because we “know” they only want sex. We hold our selves at arms length for fear of appearing too wanton. If we have a one night stand we chock it up to some primal need being fulfilled. We would never allow the possibility that that may have been an expression of love. Even within the act itself we are restrained, conforming to what?

Why should you hide if you have stretch marks, you earned them, working hard? What purpose does pretending I didn’t notice you looking at me serve? If you please me and I say so, why would you bring up my wife, as if that is going to stop me from having the genuine feeling I just had. What are we protecting? At what expense? What is the point of having this wonderful life in these amazing bodies if we are going to spend it in an emotional box? We are so careful that every urge to love is monitored, controlled, stifled and repelled. We allow loving expression only in the most ridged framework. Everything else is perverted, or they didn’t really mean it that way.

The love I feel for you is real. I know, I feel it. I approached you at an unscheduled moment because I was moved to. It wasn’t some savage urge seeking fulfillment. It was love. I told you I love you. It doesn’t mean run away. It doesn’t mean that I’m cheap or cheating on someone else that I also love. It means I love you, that’s all. You can’t stop me, or yourself, from loving. You can try to stop the expression but that will make you sick. You may as well enjoy it.

You are not going to be so individualized forever. When you’re done here, are you going to go back and say, “I was good! I hardly expressed love at all, and I rejected almost every expression of love that came my way?”


alternate ending