Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Love, Sex, Dragons, and God

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012


After Andromeda walked into my awareness I had another, more subtle shift in prospective. I started feeling God within me. It is not something I intentionally did. It just started happening. I have heard, my whole life, that God is within. But when I prayed, I would pray as if I was sending a message out. My view was that this expression was going somewhere and God was there and (s)he would get it, and maybe respond.

A few days after meeting Andromeda, I noticed that I had started sending my prayers inward. I noticed that when I felt the urge to connect with God, I was now looking to my own heart. Even now I can see subtle rays of light coming from my heart chakra when I close my eyes. (more…)

The Value of True Intimacy and How to Fiddle with Your Tender Bits

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Saturday October 20, 2012

Our global isolation from the multidimensional universe (the veil) is a personal matter. Intimacy, our willingness to share ourselves fully on a personal level, is the gateway to telepathy, access to our own higher nature, and access to the whole of creation. When we fear that we have a deficient part of ourselves, this fear becomes a judgement. We fear that if people knew about it, they would turn away and we would end up alone. Or that they would ridicule us, see us as less than them and not worth their time. So we hide that part. Many people hiding parts of themselves creates a global structure of hiding and maintains our isolation.

Hiding, even the smallest part of ourselves, from one person, is (more…)

Crystal Cave Co-Creation Meditation 07

Monday, April 16th, 2012

This is a one hour Crystal Bowl meditation. The recording was made April 15, 2012 at Om Time Yoga. There was two people in the room and 100 attending remotely from the Harmonic Tones of Intention (prayer circle). The weekly meditations at Om Time are a meditation practice. The intention is always to quiet our verbal thoughts, to allow our higher selves space to inform our lives. The sub-context is to connect with Love and find more creative ways to express it in the world. The remote attendees are part of a prayer circle of light workers. Their intention is to form a deeper connection with each other, you, and earth; To manifest a new world based in Love and Trust. Specific prayer requests are posted here.

This recording is powerful but it is not as profound as a live session. If you find it useful, try to attend a live session. If it raises questions or you need more information please contact me.

The recording is a progressive sequence of sounds designed to assist in the process of releasing resistance to Love and spirit. Please keep in mind that the sounds will alter your physiology and your consciousness.

Start at the beginning of the session and listen to the end. If you get distracted and have to stop, start at the beginning again. Starting in the middle is not recommended as it can be disorienting and may cause discomfort.

Do not use headphones, they tend to cause dizziness in some people.

Do not listen while driving or operating other equipment.

Listen at a reasonable volume.


04/15/12 Crystal Bowl Meditation


Crystal Cave Co-Creation Meditation 06

Monday, April 9th, 2012

This is a one hour Crystal Bowl meditation. The recording was made April 08, 2012 (Easter Sunday) at Om Time Yoga. There was one person in the room and 96 attending remotely from the Harmonic Tones of Intention (prayer circle). The weekly meditations at Om Time are a meditation practice. The intention is always to quiet our verbal thoughts, to allow our higher selves space to inform our lives. The sub-context is to connect with Love and find more creative ways to express it in the world. The remote attendees are part of a prayer circle of light workers. Their intention is to form a deeper connection with each other, you, and earth; To manifest a new world based in Love and Trust. Specific prayer requests are posted here.

This recording is powerful but it is not as profound as a live session. If you find it useful, try to attend a live session. If it raises questions or you need more information please contact me.

The recording is a progressive sequence of sounds designed to assist in the process of releasing resistance to Love and spirit. Please keep in mind that the sounds will alter your physiology and your consciousness.

Start at the beginning of the session and listen to the end. If you get distracted and have to stop, start at the beginning again. Starting in the middle is not recommended as it can be disorienting and may cause discomfort.

Do not use headphones, they tend to cause dizziness in some people.

Do not listen while driving or operating other equipment.

Listen at a reasonable volume.


04/08/12 Crystal Bowl Meditation


Crystal Cave Co-Creation Meditation 05

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

This is a one hour Crystal Bowl meditation. The recording was made April 01, 2012 at Om Time Yoga. There were 4 people in the room and 91 attending remotely from the Harmonic Tones of Intention (prayer circle). The weekly meditations at Om Time are a meditation practice. The intention is always to quiet our verbal thoughts, to allow our higher selves space to inform our lives. The sub-context is to connect with Love and find more creative ways to express it in the world. The remote attendees are part of a prayer circle of light workers. Their intention is to form a deeper connection with each other, you, and earth; To manifest a new world based in Love and Trust. Specific prayer requests are posted here.

This recording is powerful but it is not as profound as a live session. If you find it useful, try to attend a live session. If it raises questions or you need more information please contact me.

The recording is not music. It is a progressive sequence of sounds designed to assist in the process of releasing resistance to Love and spirit. Please keep in mind that the sounds will alter your physiology and your consciousness.

Start at the beginning of the session and listen to the end. If you get distracted and have to stop, start at the beginning again. Starting in the middle is not recommended as it can be disorienting and may cause discomfort.

Do not use headphones, they tend to cause dizziness in some people.

Do not listen while driving or operating other equipment.

Listen at a reasonable volume.


04/01/12 Crystal Bowl Meditation


Crystal Cave Co-Creation Meditation 04

Monday, March 26th, 2012

This is a one hour Crystal Bowl meditation. The recording was made March 25th, 2012 at Om Time Yoga. There were 7 people in the room and 84 attending remotely from the Harmonic Tones of Intention (prayer circle). The weekly meditations at Om Time are a meditation practice. The intention is always to quiet our verbal thoughts, to allow our higher selves space to inform our lives. The sub-context is to connect with Love and find more creative ways to express it in the world. The remote attendees are part of a prayer circle of light workers. Their intention is to form a deeper connection with each other, you, and earth; To manifest a new world based in Love and Trust. Specific prayer requests are posted here.

This recording is powerful but it is not as profound as a live session. If you find it useful, try to attend a live session. If it raises questions or you need more information please contact me.

The recording is not music. It is a progressive sequence of sounds designed to assist in the process of releasing resistance to Love and spirit. Please keep in mind that the sounds will alter your physiology and your consciousness.

This session prompted a great deal of coughing in one participant. This is common when people come with a cold or other illness. Coughing, sneezing and other physical reactions to the session are encouraged and help promote physical healing. If you find you are distracted by it, try telling yourself that any distracting sound is an opportunity to go deeper into your own practice. Each sound, no mater the source, will guide you to a deeper level of meditation.

Start at the beginning of the session and listen to the end. If you get distracted and have to stop, start at the beginning again. Starting in the middle is not recommended as it can be disorienting and may cause discomfort.

Do not use headphones, they tend to cause dizziness in some people.

Do not listen while driving or operating other equipment.

Listen at a reasonable volume.


03/25/12 Crystal Bowl Meditation

I Entered Into You

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

I entered into you

at your request

Your sensual opening

allowing me to do so

has nurtured me these many cold nights

Now in the warming dawn

at the birth of our earth

in conscious awareness of the depth of your love

I awake

to return the favor

Come stay with me here

in this exquisite form we created

Come play with me

as we expand together

into newly imagined realms


A View from Inside

An Invetation

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Individuals, Yet Unified in Love

We are grounded in matter and lifted by spirit both. Our intention was to bring a balance of the two into our form. Only then could we fulfill our calling as indwelt creature AND divine creator.

We are connected! Many individuals making up the network that is our unified awareness; earth consciousness. Each expression, an inspiration for the next. As we see what is possible, we expand.

Within the balance of our dual nature we can fully trust our instincts. We must bring our intention to love constantly into the automatic processes that sustain us. Only in love can the eternal energetic vibrations of conscious awareness flow through us, between us.

As within so without

Expand your self awareness beyond the confines of two dimensional verbal thought. Activate the watcher within your consciousness. See what you are thinking as well as thinking it. Stimulate the sensations of eternal love in your physical form. Trust that doing so will bring grace to your actions.

Guru can show you the door but you must walk through it. To follow another’s path, no matter how noble it seems, leads directly to mediocrity. For how can your individual expression ever fully shine through the filters of another.

Install the impulse to love into your inner life with conscious intent. Resist the urge to decide from your fear. Connect with me on the ribbons of sound that issue forth from the center of all creation.

Little Birds Know What You’re Thinking

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

No one came to the crystal bowl wellness practice in Gunbarrel today. No one has ever come to that event. You may wounder why I show up. I know I do. Last night I decided that if no one came I would take a few bowls out on the lawn and play anyway.

This morning I was siting there at 7:05 thinking, “crap, now I have to go play outside, embarrassing!” I went out with my coffee and started considering if I would really do this. I walked out on the lawn in front of ESC for the Arts, about 15 feet from Lookout Road. Morning traffic was buzzing by. There were a flock of those little birds in a big bush, chirping their morning song.

I thought, “am I really going to do this?” As I thought that thought the birds started flying from branch to branch inside the bush and singing so much louder. I looked to the west and as I did, windows of houses on the hillside lit up with the rising sun. It looked like a constellation of stars. Suddenly another flock of little birds flew directly over my head in their flock of birds kind of way; where they are about two inches from each other moving in perfect unison. I heard them singing, “do it, do it, do it.”

I went inside and got a bowl. I felt like I was doing a presentation with peanut butter on my nose. I put the bowl in the grass and got another. I sat down on my little stool and started to play. As I did, all the birds in the bush stopped chirping and moving around. The morning sun was warm on my face. I felt remarkably peaceful.

I played for 20 minutes. About one in ten people streaming by noticed me. No one stopped, not even the guy that walked past me on the sidewalk. He pretended I wasn’t there.

At 7:40 I packed up my bowls. I usually feel so sad when no one comes to my events. I felt really happy today. It was a huge stretch for me but in the end I felt so good. Its amazing what is going on early in the morning. I’m pretty sure little birds know what you’re thinking.

The Eternal Perspective

Monday, May 17th, 2010

A new friend asked me to write a short bio. She was making a flier for a yoga class we are doing with singing bowls. I put the project off for a few days, not sure what to say. I finally decided it wasn’t going to get done at all if I didn’t start. I was feeling a little cheeky and silly. I wrote the following:

Kelly MacInnis is a member of an elite group of about 8 billion beings of light that volunteered to enter the theater of physical creation. Our purpose is the expansion of that creation through experiential exploration of the work in progress. Kelly maintains his focus on the eternal aspect of his service. He stands as a constant reminder that each of us is the master of our lives (art). We can, at any time, extend our awareness into the atmosphere of wellbeing, safety, and support that has always been our calling. Kelly’s primary interest is in deepening personal relationships on all levels through trust and love.”

It was early in the morning and I was still feeling playful so I sent it, along with a link to my regular bio so she could opt to throw out the silliness and get down to business. To my surprise, she liked it. I talked to her a few hours later and told her that while I believed what I had written, I was not sure it would inspire people to come to our class. She thought it would and she used it.

Something happened to me that day. I started viewing my life through the eyes of one who was larger than my physical body and older than my lifetime here. I started taking the incidents of my daily life with the stride of someone eternal that was having a human experience. I did not intend specifically to do this nor was I trying to. It just started happening. Something about writing that bio and then saying I believed it, brought the experience of it into my awareness.

In case you are wondering, taking this perspective changes everything! When you see yourself, and everyone else, as eternal, you don’t get very invested in, well, anything. It is like being an actor in a play. Playing your part as best you can, but still remembering that you are an actor playing a part. It is strange how many people are so invested in their role that they forget the larger, brighter, older, wiser part of themselves. It is such a relief to remember!

I remember listening to Allen Watts saying that we are all playing parts in a grand game. I liked the idea of it but without an eternal perspective I just couldn’t see how that information was of any use. Somehow seeing yourself as that angel of your dreams, as the eternal soul that you sometimes remember you have, makes it real. It is like doing a handstand. Suddenly everything is upside down. Instead of being a body that may have a soul, you are a soul that has a body.

After being upside down for a little while, it starts to seem normal. It has only been 4 days but am not sure I could go back to seeing myself, or you, as a human that “could” have an eternal part somewhere. My life has this spark to it now. Cleaning toilets seems like an adventure. I feel kind and brave and true. I feel like I am in love with everyone and I have the daring to say so. I feel safe and supported and free to explore whatever I want, including my love for you.

Anyone want to dance?